Teresa and the Azure Dragon
Dark and heavy clouds covered the East for a long time, leaving the soil like a swamp and allowing evil creatures to wander freely. Among these creatures was Ignoblum, a primeval spirit so envious of Mother Nature’s work that it began to leech energy from the earth and corrupt its surroundings. It absorbed all kinds of life with its many front limbs armed with pincers, bringing victims to the grotesque mouth of its centipede body. Ignoblum used part of its own energy to create a powerful gem, the Duka Stone, capable of destabilizing the energy around it and bringing anyone that approached it into a deep state of sorrow or madness.
With a powerful lightning, Spring came down, the azure and silver dragon with petals instead of scales, opening a valley in the east mountain chain and thus allowing the clouds to move East while also creating a narrow path to the eastern lands. The sunlight reaching those lands for the first time promoted intense growth on the damp fertile soil and with the Spring’s presence a great forest sprouted from the northeast all the way to the center of the land, with a section in the eastern side of white husk trees of blue foliage, the Vernal Forest.
Spring approached the sociable humans and planned an attack against Ignoblum. The humans tried battling it before but the evil spirit’s presence disturbed the energy around, sending those who fought into madness. Spring attacked from the sky with gust and lightning while humans and animals pushed through the land, driving Ignoblum away to the far east past the mountains, but not before it left a sinister scarf in the land which every living being would avoid for ages to come.
During the battle, the strongest warrior of the tribe lost her sword, but quickly Spring conjured a magic blade so she could defend herself. Later on the tribe lost most of their elite fighters who either went crazy or got sick and perished, all but one, Teresa Renideo. She was the one who received the magic blade from the Azure Dragon and was famous for her grace and impeccable sword mastery, thus believed to be blessed by Mother Nature. Her impressive concentration gave her the ability to have absolute focus when fighting, she was able to see things as they were in a clear and tactical way, without being distracted and keeping the mind calm even in high pressure situations.
Teresa’s knowledge of concentration was taught throughout the city, though no one ever mastered it like herself, and under her guidance the city of Ocayba became famous for its organized people and skilled fighters, dedicated to protecting Ambal. The strongest and wisest members of the tribe composed a noble guard for Teresa being responsible to keep the order in the newly formed city, leading to the formation of the Ocayba Council.
Teresa later became the first queen of Ocayba and was recognized as a legendary swordsman in the future generations. Her disciples continued developing techniques and passed those to the scholars, who later developed the Sword Path School of Knowledge.
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